Recommendation Letter Process

  • Kansas 4-H Scholarships
    • Vanier Family 4-H Scholarship - Applies to high school graduatings seniors entering college for the first time as a full time college student.
    • Applies to high school graduating seniors and college 4-H alumni. Consists of an online application that will ask you to upload supporting documents like reference letters. Application will be available December 23rd. Deadline submit online application is March 1st, annually. Scholarship application and more information
  • Grand Drive Scholarship Application
    • A new addition that started in 2019 to this great program and superb livestock shows were the ten (10) - one Thousand Dollar ($1000) scholarships! Any past or present exhibitor of the Kansas State Fair Grand Drive that is enrolled in secondary education that will have graduated high school in 2021 or before. (must have at least one year of secondary education remaining to apply) Scholarship Application.
  • Bill House Hereford Scholarship
    • Mr. Swain William (Bill) House had a passion for agriculture and the cattle industry and wanted young people to have an opportunity to earn a career in agriculture. His legacy will continue through the Bill House Hereford Foundation Scholarship Fund, established to support students pursing an agricultural-related degree. Scholarship information

  • Wildcat Extension Education Foundation Anna Mae Brown Memorial Scholarship

    • Open to any youth, not dependent on 4-H enrollment. Applies to college juniors or seniors (completed 60 hours) enrolled in a specific degree path. For more information please refer to the application. Application due July 1, annually.

  • Montgomery County 4-H

    • In Memory of Cecil Eyestone. Cecil Eyestone was the 4-H agent for Montgomery County from 1946 to 1957 before transferring to be a state 4-H specialist on campus. Mr. Eyestone’s dedication to the 4-H program got him elected to the 4-H Hall of fame in 2008. Eyestone led Montgomery County 4-H youth to national livestock, dairy, poultry, and crops judging teams. Application is due annually April 1st. Application

  • County Camp
    • Each county 4-H council offers different variations of camp scholarships. Please refer to your county 4-H webpage and 4-H agent for more information.