Crops & Soils Featured Topics

Deer Field Control Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- June 20, 2024

Vomitoxin in Wheat Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- June 14, 2024

Over-Planting Thin Soybean Stands News Column
It might not seem like it after a year of drought, but we haven’t had much more than the average amount of rain in May here in southeast Kansas.

Cot Herbicides Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- June 7, 2024

Overplanting Soybeans Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- May 31, 2024

Soybean Planting Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- May 24, 2024

Tile Drainage Column

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- May 10, 2024

Fusarium Head Blight Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- April 26, 2024

Tissue Sample Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- April 20, 2024

The Lead in Our Soils Column
The vast majority of the time heavy metals in soil are not an issue and homeowners do not need to be concerned. However, when getting outside this spring to work in gardens and flowerbeds, there can be a risk in this area of Kansas, Missouri, and Oklahoma.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- April 12, 2024

Wheat Fungicide Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- April 12, 2024

Soybean Fertility Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- April 5, 2024

Spring Freeze Wheat Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- March 29, 2024

Kansas Corn Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- March 22, 2024

Finding the Perfect Apple Tree Column
They are all beautifully displayed, those red and yellow orbs of clean shapely apples in the grocery store. You make your variety selection between the Fuji, Gala, Honeycrisp, Red Delicious, Comic, Pink Lady, Granny Smith, and others.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- March 15, 2024

Corn Planting Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- March 15, 2024

Yellow Wheat Issues Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- March 8, 2024

Cotton Crops Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- March 1, 2024

Marestail Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- February 23, 2024

pH Soil Effects Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- February 16, 2024

Increasing Water Infiltration Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- February 9, 2024

Chloride Wheat Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- February 2, 2024

Wheat Top-Dress N Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- January 26, 2024

Sulfur Wheat News Column Audio
The need for nitrogen in wheat is well known, but often farmers forget about the other two mobile soil nutrients; sulfur and chloride.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- January 19, 2024

Herbicide Licenses Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- January 12, 2024

Cover Crop Grazing Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- January 5, 2024

Fixing Salt Slicks News Column
Our history of gas and oil production in this area, combined with poor draining of heavy clay fields, leads to a very common problem in our fields, salt slicks.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- December 22, 2023

Spring Oats and Wheat Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- December 28, 2023

Poultry Litter Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- December 21, 2023

Red Cedars Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- December 14, 2023

Winterize Equipment Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- December 8, 2023

Winter Mites Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- December 1, 2023

Fencing Pools and Ponds News Column
Farm ponds can be a serious hazard on the farm, just as pools and fishponds can be a hazard in anyone’s back yard.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- November 22, 2023

Winterize Equipment Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- November 22, 2023

Tax Stratagies Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- November 17, 2023

Fall Anhydrous Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- November 9, 2023

Atrazine Issues Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- November 3, 2023

Where the Bugs Sleep During Winter News Column
Have you ever thought it, just where all the bugs go during the winter? All the ladybugs are happily hibernating in my attic, but what about all the others? Turns out bugs have a number of different methods of survival to get through even the coldest of winter months.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- Oct 27, 2023

Late Wheat Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- Oct 27, 2023

Alfalfa Native Last Harvest Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- Oct 19, 2023

Soil Sampling Audio

Adaven Scronce, Diversified Agriculture and Natural Resources Agent

- Oct 13, 2023

Winter Weeds Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- Oct 13, 2023

Differences in Rye Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- Oct 6, 2023

Wheat Planting Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- Sept 27, 2023

Using the Heat Capacity of Soil and Water News Column
Soil, along with vast many other uses, acts as a powerful moderator of temperature and climate. We call this volumetric heat capacity and it’s the energy it takes to change the temperature of something. Soil and water have fairly high heat capacities.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- Sept 27, 2023

Italian Ryegrass Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- Sept 22, 2023

Roadway Safety During Harvest News Column
September 17 through the 23 is National Agriculture Safety and Health Week. If you are involved in the agriculture industry or follow ag related social media accounts you probably saw at least one post related to an agriculture safety topic.

Adaven Scronce, Diversified Agriculture and Natural Resource Agent

- Sept 22, 2023

Wheat Planting Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- Sept 15, 2023

Making Silage Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- Sept 8, 2023

Subsoil: The Farming Unknown News Column
In farming, we tend to focus a lot on that which we can control. In crop fertility, we focus on the top 6” of soil because that is fraction of the soil that we can fertilize and till.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- August 30, 2023

Soil pH Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- August 30, 2023

Alfalfa Planting Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- August 23, 2023

Soybean Pest Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- August 14, 2023

Organic Matter Creation Radio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- August 10, 2023

Profile Sample Radio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- August 2, 2023

Aerial Seeding Cover News Column
How to get the cover crop in the soybean field before the harvest: Aerial Seeding

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- August 2, 2023

Corn Yield Counts Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- July 28, 2023

Soybean Deficiencies Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- July 13, 2023

Corn Ear Rot Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- July 5, 2023

How Much Water the Soil Holds News Column
In years like this one, the saying “two weeks away from flood or drought” is said pretty often. It refers to how in the Midwest we are always seemingly in a drought or flood

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- July 1, 2023

Spray Drones Audio
Agricultural spray drones will very likely be the applicators of the future. These UAVs are getting bigger, simpler to use, and more popular each year.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- June 30, 2023

Deer Field Control Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- June 24, 2023

Hot Herbicides Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- June 15, 2023

Double Sorghum Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- June 2, 2023

Denitrifcation Losses Audio
Our denitrification losses this year should be on the lower end of average, but still those couple weeks of rain likely led to some nitrogen losses.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- May 25, 2023

Armyworms in Spring Wheat Audio
A few reports of armyworms are being seen in the wheat fields this year.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- May 19, 2023

Wheat Head Issues During Grazing Audio
As wheat head start to fill, so do issues of failed pollination and disease become more obvious.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- May 11, 2023

Soybean Planting Audio
While fungal disease pressure is low this year due to dry weather, fusarisum is still a risk because of when it infects wheat heads.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- May 5, 2023

Fusarium Head Blight Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- April 28, 2023

Wheat Fungicide Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- April 21, 2023

Soybean Fertility Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- April 13, 2023

Kansas Corn Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- April 7, 2023

Yellow Wheat Issues Audio
This time of year wheat can start to turn yellow for a variety of reasons.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- March 31, 2023

Sunflowers: In the Garden, Prairie, and Field Audio
No flower says Kansas like the sunflower. It is, after all, our state’s flower. Though there is a reason those beautiful beams of yellow and red petals surrounded by coal black to pumpkin orange centers belong in this state, they grow well here and we have all different types.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- March 24, 2023

Seed Saving Laws Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- March 17, 2023

Increasing Water Infiltration Audio
Plowpans and loss of soil structure both reduces water infiltration rate and fixing it isn't easy.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- March 9, 2023

Marestail Audio
Marestail is a prolific and herbicide resistant weed that is endemic to the corn and soybean fields of southeast Kansas. Now is the time to consider your control options.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- March 3, 2023

Farm Bill Audio
The deadline for farmers to make their ARC/PLC election is on March 15th. If you haven't made any changes in the past couple years, now is the right time to look into your elections.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- February 24, 2023

What To do with All that Ash? News Column
Heating your home with wood is not only environmentally efficient, but can be a lot cheaper too. Personally, my home is all electric heating, but since we put in an outdoor wood burner last fall, it looks like we are saving over $200 a month.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- February 17, 2023

Early Spring Pest Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- February 17, 2023

Sprayer Calibration Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- February 10, 2023

Wheat Top Dressing Audio
It's about time for farmers to think about top-dressing nitrogen on their wheat, but the drought last fall might mean more nitrogen in the soil profile.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- February 3, 2023

pH Soil Effects Audio
Soil pH is what controls nearly every soil nutrient, and understanding pH is key to understanding soil fertility.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- January 27, 2023

Herbicide Licenses Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- January 20, 2023

Soil Fertility Goals Audio
Soil fertility goals takes years of planning but can be both practical and economical.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- January 13, 2023

Sulfur Wheat Audio
Farmers often notice yellowing areas across the field after wheat breaks dormancy in early spring. While often blamed on nitrogen deficiency, it is often actually sulfur.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- January 6, 2023

Land Leasing Series News Column
K-State Research and Extension will be hosting The Power of Negotiation and Communication, a Land Leasing Series. This program will cover farm leases of every type and prepare attendees, both landlords and tenants, to create intelligent and fair leases.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- December 30, 2022

Italian Rye Grass Audio
Italian ryegrass continues to be a serious problem in our wheat fields, but there are a number of newer herbicides that can help."

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- December 30, 2022

Spring Oats & Wheat Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- December 23, 2022

Red Cedars Audio
Eastern red cedars aren't the best Christmas trees, but they are practically free and pretty much everywhere.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- December 16, 2022

Poultry Litter Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- December 10, 2022

Winterize Equipment Audio
Freezing temperatures is hard on farm equipment and winterizing now can prevent serious damage.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- December 2, 2022

Depreciation Audio
Depreciation of assests is important for reducing tax liabilities for farmers, but it's important to remember the 'placed in service rule'.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- November 18, 2022

Farm Succession Audio
Farm succession is a gradual process of communication. Sometimes it involves lawyers, paperwork, and wills and trusts too.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- November 18, 2022

Fall Anhydrous Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- November 10, 2022

Differences in Rye Audio
Annual rye, Italian Rye, perennial rye, and cereal rye. All with rye in their name, it's easy to get them confused.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- November 4, 2022

Late Wheat Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- October 28, 2022

Winter Weeds Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- October 21, 2022

Poultry Litter Audio
Poultry litter is a great opinion for farmers in this area with a good balance of N, P, K, and most micronutrients. Usually, it's cheaper than chemical fertilizer as well.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- October 14, 2022

Dry Wheat Planting Audio
Planting when the soils are this dry isn't ideal, but farmers might only have a few options for planting wheat this fall.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- October 7, 2022

Ammoniation of Forage Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- September 30, 2022

Wheat Seed Treatment Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- September 16, 2022

Italian Ryegrass Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- September 9, 2022

Soybean Yield or Forage Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- August 31, 2022

Spider Mites Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- August 27, 2022

Fall Alfalfa Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- August 19, 2022

Soil Sampling Audio

Adaven Scronce, Diversified Agriculture and Natural Resource Agent

- August 12,2022

Soybean Pest Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- August 12, 2022

Cover Crops Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- July 29, 2022

Soybean Deficiencies Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- July 22, 2022

Southeast Kansas Private Water Wells News Column
Water wells can be a safe and effective way to bring water to livestock, gardens, or even a household. Generally, we use much more surface water here in this area than we do well water, but still, well water is possible.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- July 15, 2022

Absentee Landowners Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- July 15, 2022

Corn Ear Rot Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- July 8, 2022

Deer Field Control Audio
Deer love soybeans and controlling deer in fields is no easy task.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- June 28, 2022

Hot Herbicides Audio
Some herbicides become less effective when it gets hot outside, while some herbicides, become TOO effective.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- June 24, 2022

Over Planting Soybeans Audio
Overplanting soybeans into a standing crop is a common practice for poor stands, and many of the same principles of double-cropped beans apply

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- June 17, 2022

Claypans and Plowpans News Column
While the names are often interchanged, claypan soils and plowpan soils are two different things. One is a natural soil classification while the other has been created from years of tilling wet soil.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- June 11, 2022

Saturated Seedlings Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- June 11, 2022

Denitrification Losses Audio
Lots of periodic heavy rainfall events, combined with warming soils, create the perfect situation for nitrogen losses from denitrification.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- June 2, 2022

Wheat Head Issues Audio
This time of year is when wheat heads can start to have disease and physical injury, often turning them white when they die.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- May 26, 2022

Tissue Sample Audio
Tissue sampling is an after-the-fact plant nutrient analysis, that can help farmers understand problem areas in the field, and hone in fertility for future crops.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- May 20, 2022

Fusarium Head Blight Audio
Fusarium head blight, also known as head scab, can be a serious problem some years and can create the vomitoxin DON.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- May 13, 2022

Soybean Planting Density Audio
Soybeans have an amazing ability to compensate. Optimal plant density in soybeans actually follow a different logic than corn, high yielding environments need fewer plants per acre rather than more.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- May 5, 2022

Wheat Rust Outlook Audio
There have been few reports of rust outbreaks in Kansas and Oklahoma so far, however soon we will have the right conditions to see this fungal disease in our wheat.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- April 27, 2022

Field Day of Soft Wheat Audio
A lot of reasons to grow soft wheat and to come learn about it during the 2022 Spring Crops Field Day on May 17th.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- April 22, 2022

The Value of an Acre News Column
As fertilizer and input costs get more expensive, there can be a lot of questions about new types of production and new methods of farming. When profit margins get tighter, farmers must get creative to ever tow that thin line of profitability.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- April 18, 2022

Nutrient Value in Hay Audio
"There is no such thing as free hay. With high fertilizer prices the nutrients within are more valuable than ever."

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- April 15, 2022

Soybean Fertilizers Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- April 8, 2022

Seed Saving Laws Audio
Wondering if the crop from last year can be replanted again? The laws controlling seed saving and replanting can be complex.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- March 31, 2022

Corn Planting Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- March 24, 2022

Wheat Spring Herbicides Audio
Wheat has a number of spring herbicide options, but care must be taken as timing and growth stage is vitally important.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- March 18, 2022

The Cotton Crop Audio
Cotton, with fields of white puffs, this tropical shrub is an interesting crop. It is something we can grow around here too.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- March 11, 2022

Marestail Audio
Marestail is one of most common crop weeds and this is the time of year to control it wheat and no-till fields.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- March 4, 2022

Early Spring Pest Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- February 24, 2022

Sprayer Calibration Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- February 18, 2022

Wheat Top Dress Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- February 12, 2022

Enlist Update Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- February 4, 2022

Healthy Soil Audio
What is a healthy soil is hard to define. However, we do know what agricultural practices can lead to healthier soils.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- January 28, 2022

Ag Lease Laws Audio
We are coming up on a important ag lease deadline. For most ag land leases, changes to contracts need to be completed 30 days before March 1st.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- January 21, 2022

Soil Fertility Goals Audio
Soil fertility goals in crops take time and years of planning ahead. Here are some of my personal suggestions when it comes to crop fertility goals.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- January 14, 2022

Spring Oats Audio
Spring oats or spring wheat are planted anytime in February to provide high quality forage before the next soybean crop. Can be an effective weed control cover crop as well.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- January 7, 2022

Lease Misconceptions Audio
Agricultural leases have a lot of misconceptions, and that can lead to misunderstanding between tenants and landlords. It's best to know the real rules.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- December 27,2021

Marketing Workshop Audio
Marketing commodities is a strategy and involves a lot of understanding of market terms and concepts. The purpose for farmers is to manage risk and get the best prices.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- December 22,2021

Sulfur in Wheat Audio
Field wide wheat yellowing this time of year could be caused by sulfur deficiency. It happens in farmers' fields more often than they realize.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- December 17,2021

Risk Management Women in Ag Audio
Starting January 12th, a 4 to 5 part series will be held: Risk Mangement Skills. A Statewide program to teach skills of determining cost of production, utilizing crop insurance, crop marketing plans, and government farm programs.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- December 10,2021

Barley Yellow Drawf Audio
Mild falls and late freezes can lead aphids living longer, some of which could be carrying Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- December 3,2021

Tips to Reduce the Fertilizer Bill Article
Natural gas prices, trade tariffs, supply and production issues - there are a lot of reasons we’ve been told for the current fertilizer prices. Either way, the fertilizer bill is going to be rough this year.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- November 24,2021

Farm Succession Webinar Audio
Farm succession takes planning, understanding, and communication. There are also a lot of laws and taxes involved.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- November 23,2021

Poultry Litter Audio
As chemical fertilizer has become incredibly expensive, many farmers are looking for alternative ways to fertilizer their fields. Poultry litter provides nearly every nutrient but its application might not be as straight forward

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- November 19,2021

Terraces Rebuild Audio
This year's big rainfall events did quite a bit of damage to many terraces. If the ground is dry enough, after harvest might be a good time to get the terraces fixed.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- November 10,2021

Fall Anhydrous Audio
Fertilizer prices have gotten expensive so preserving nitrogen from fall anhydrous applications become even more important.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- November 5,2021

A 'Fair' Land Lease Article
When it comes to estate planning, the following scenario happens entirely too often. A (mostly) retired farmer or land owner dies, the estate is settled, and then the surviving family have no idea what the leases of the farm ground are.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- October 29,2021

Late Wheat Audio
If the fields dry out in time, it's still not too late to plant wheat. However, special considerations will be needed.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- October 29,2021

Winter Weeds Audio
Many winter weeds can be easier to kill in the late fall and residuals will last longer during the winter months as well.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- October 22,2021

Uneven Yellowing Audio
Soybeans are drying down and getting ready for harvest, but they don't always do so at the same time, even if they are the same variety in the same field.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- October 15,2021

Fall Wheat Insects Audio
After a long summer, there are lots of insects out there just waiting for a lush green new wheat field to feed on. However before spraying, it is important to know what's out there and if it's worth spraying.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- October 8,2021

Carbon Credit Audio
The carbon credit market is beginning to take off in the U.S. with a number of companies offering payments. However, there is a lot to consider before signing any contracts.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- October 1,2021

Wheat Planting Audio
Planting wheat by lbs instead of by seeds per acre can dramatically over or under plant a field. Don't forget about starter fertilizer as well.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- September 24,2021

Seed Treatment Audio
Wheat planting is coming up soon, but hopefully, not too soon. It is also important to use treated seed and know the legalities of planting bin-run wheat.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- September 17,2021

Fall Alfalfa Audio
Planting alfalfa in the fall is the ideal way to go, but a successful stand requires detailed planning and good fertility.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- September 10,2021

The Strength of Going Soft (Wheat) Article
Wheat is grown all across this country, but if you’ve ever seen a map of wheat fields in the U.S., usually it’s divided out by the different types of wheat.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- September 8,2021

Italian Ryegrass Audio
Italian ryegrass is a common weed in the fields of southeast Kansas. Its difficulty to control is in part to herbicide resistance, so new methods of control are needed to deal with this grassy weed.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- September 3,2021

Soft vs Hard Wheat Audio
This is one of the few places in the country where soft wheat and hard wheat is grown side by side, and more and more farmers are making the switch to soft for a number of reasons.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- August 27,2021

Soybean Pest Audio
Armyworms, cloverworms, bean beetles, mites, stinkbugs, and more, soybeans have a lot of pests chewing on their pods and leaves.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- August 20,2021

Soil pH Article
Of all the components of production, nothing is more important than soil pH. It is the control of nearly every soil nutrient.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- August 13,2021

Cover Crop Rye Article
Of the dozens of cover crop species, rye is king. It grows fast in the spring, can be planted late in the fall, and suppresses weeds like no other. There is a reason most cover crop mixes have rye as the background. It is highly effective in post corn and going into long season soybeans.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- August 9,2021

Cover Crops Audio
Getting into cover crops is all about starting small and fitting it into your existing rotation and practices.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- August 9,2021

Soybean Deficiencies Audio
Soybeans are a nutrient intensive crop and now is the time when nutrient deficiencies become more apparent. The flood/dry weather we've had can make deficiencies more likely.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- July 30,2021

Soybean Disease Audio
Soybeans diseases are likely going to start showing up in fields at this point in the growing season. Knowing what they are is the most important part in knowing how to deal with them.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- July 23,2021

Ear Rots Audio
An unexspected and unwelcome corn crop visitor is ear rot fungus. There are many types, but while some just reduce grain quality, some can create harmful toxins.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- July 16,2021

Summer Bloomers for Honeybee Stewards Article
A hot, dry summer is not ideal for beekeeping enthusiast. Many years, there is a slump of honey production between the clovers of spring and the sunflowers of fall. The heat and dry of the summer make it hard for flowers to be pollinated, so most species simply choose not to bloom during these months.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- July 9,2021

Vomitoxin in Wheat Audio
Vomitoxin Alert! Reports have come in that some fields in the area have elevated levels of vomitoxin, a harmful chemical created by the fungus Fusarium Head Blight. Dealing with this can be a real challenge.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- July 9,2021

Southern Rust Audio
This year we have the right conditions for an outbreak of corn Southern Rust. Timely identification and control are important to keep this fungi disease in check.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- July 2,2021

Too Hot for Herbicides Audio
The effectiveness of most herbicides is decreased when it gets too hot outside. While some herbicides become too effective and can hurt the crop as well.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- June 25,2021

Off-Farm Income Audio
For many farmers, farming isn't there only job. Off-farm income can be an important part of family living and day to day expenses.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- June 19,2021

Saturated Seedlings Audio
Rain and cloudy weather can help the soybeans fields germinate, but too much, and the seedlings can drown. Saturated conditions can also lead to the spreading of soil diseases as well.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- June 11,2021

Over-Planting Thin Soybean Stands Article
While poor germination can be caused by a great variety of factors, flooding of our heavy clay soils is a common one. Many soybean fields were left with poor stands in terrace channels and on the edges of this year, much like last year, we had just too much rain after many of the long season soybeans were planted fields where water collects.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- June 11,2021

Double Sorghum Audio
While nearly all our harvested wheat will be planted to double-cropped soybeans, there are some situations in which double-cropped sorghum (milo) could be a better choice.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- June 3,2021

Corn and Wet Weather Audio

As Luke Bryan said, "Rain makes corn", but too much rain on young corn can cause issues in the crop later on.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- May 28,2021

White Heads in Wheat Audio
This time of year, dead white wheat heads can start to appear in wheat fields and these wheat heads can die for all kinds of reasons.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- May 21,2021

Boron: The Forgotten (but important) Micronutrient Article
Boron, it’s not part of a normal soil test, in fact, it’s not part of an expanded soil test. Logically then, most farmers have no idea how much boron is in their soil, or even that’s a nutrient of any concern. Boron is vital for a plant’s cell wall and can affect many plant processes.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- May 14,2021

Soybean Planting Audio
Soybean planting is not far away, but there are a few things to consider first.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- May 14,2021

Tissue Samples Audio
Tissue sampling is an after-the-fact plant nutrient analysis, that can help farmers understand problem areas in the field, and hone in fertility for future crops.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- May 7,2021

Wheat Fungicide Audio
To spray or not to spray? This yearly question on wheat fungicide is one that farmers consider every year at this time.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- April 30,2021

Hay Value Audio
Hay bales contain an important cost, soil nutrients. If not accounted for this can lead to nutrient deficient soils and poor hay production.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- April 23,2021

Unaccounted Costs: Nutrients in Hay Article
Hay is not cheap, then again, neither is grain right now, but often the full cost of hay goes under realized. Much of the value in hay remains in unaccounted soil nutrients that is removed from hay fields and is redistributed in over wintering pastures or concentrated in lots. The production of hay has soil nutrient removal that is more often, not replaced with fertilizer or manure.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- April 16,2021

Soil Fertility Audio
Soybeans take a lot of nutrients to grow. Before planting soybeans, it's important to get the soil nutrients in optimal condition.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- April 16,2021

Kansas Corn Audio
Corn planting is underway. Just how much corn does Kansas grow?

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- April 9,2021

Litter Value Audio
The total value of poultry litter versus chemical fertilizer is based on many factors like nutrient content, equipment requires, and the soil fertility of the field.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- April 2,2021

Wheat Update Audio
Wheat rust has just begun in Texas on its march north across the plains. However, the soil mosaic viruses are likely to show up now in cooler weather.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- March 27,2021

Heavy Metals in the Soil and Garden Article
When you hear the words ‘heavy metal’, you might have images of big hair, tight pants, steel guitars, and loud music. But when it comes to heavy metals in soil, it hits on a completely different bassline. The vast majority of the time heavy metals in soil aren’t an issue and homeowners don’t need to be concerned.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- March 19,2021

Spring Insects Audio
Warmer weather means increased insect pressure too. This time of year, aphids and armyworms can be common pests in wheat fields.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- March 19,2021

Sprayer Calibration Audio
A properly adjusted sprayer can save thousands of dollars over the growing season. Now is a good time to make sure everything is in working order.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- March 12,2021

Marestail Audio
This herbicide resistant weed is currently a small green little plant, but it won't be long before it bolts into towering trouble.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- March 5,2021

Soil Sampling Audio
Soil tests provide a scientific base for evaluating the available plant nutrients in a field, garden, lawn, pasture, or food plot. Knowing the nutrient levels in the soil can determine if any additional nutrients need to be added to the soil.

Adaven Scronce, Diversified Agurculture and Natural Resourse Agent

- February 26,2021

Farm Income Audio
Despite Pessimitic outlook in the beginning of 2020, net farm income averages turned out to be slightly above 2019. 2021 might be profitable year as well.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- February 26,2021

Top-dressing Wheat with Nitrogen’s Amigos: Chloride and Sulfur Article
The need for nitrogen in wheat is well known, but sulfur and chloride deficiencies are more common in than many farmers realize. Sulfur deficiency looks a lot like nitrogen deficiency and chloride deficiency looks just like a fungal disease, which is if either can be seen at all.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- February 19,2021

Farm Bill ARC/PLC Election Audio
The can be hard to choose between the Farm Bill's ARC/PLC elections, but at least the guess can be an educated one, by looking at market futures and likelihoods.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- February 19,2021

Wheat Winter Hardy Audio
"It got cold. Real cold. But cold enough to harm the wheat? Probably not. It's pretty tough stuff"

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- February 12,2021

Grain Market Audio
Now is an important time to develop your grain marketing plan. Strong international forces are making grain commodities more profitable but also prices more volatile. Grain Marketing Workshop on February 23rd.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- February 5,2021

Top Dress Wheat Audio
It's just about time to top dress the wheat fields. Good yields are dependent on application rate and timing.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- January 29,2021

Planting Green and Rolling Beans Article
There are a lot more cover crops out there then one might think. A lot of progressive farmers are finding unconventional methods and positive benefits of incorporating cover crops into their cropping rotations. The benefits have all been noted before; excellent cattle forage, protect the soil, improve soil health, and reduce weed pressure.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- January 22,2021

Spring Oats Audio
If you missed the window to plant a cover crop last fall, planting oats this spring is the next best thing. High in protein, they make excellent cattle forage and help protect the soil from spring rains while providing needed weed control.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- January 22,2021

Cover Crop Planting Audio
Cover crops are excellent at preventing early season weeds but can be difficult to plant into. Many farmers find that planting directly into green standing cover crops is the easier way to go.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- January 15,2021

A Good Lease Audio
"What makes a good crop or pasture land lease? One that is written, with complete and well-defined terms."

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- January 8,2021

Red Cedar Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- December 25, 2020

Fences Moving Property Lines: Squatter’s Rights Article
K-State Research and Extension will be hosting a Land leasing and Law Meeting on January 23rd virtually as well as in person at the Southeast Research and Extension Center in Parsons, KS. We will cover how to create simple, but well-defined written leases, laws when it comes to leasing, and the results of a recent leasing survey in the Wildcat District. Please call a K-State Research and Extension Wildcat or Southwind District office to register (Altamont, 620-784-5337).

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- December 25, 2020

Litter Application Audio
While a great source of plant nutrients, poultry litter is not like regular fertilizer. Nutrient amounts can change greatly between litter sources and not all the nutrients are plant available right away.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- December 19, 2020

Sulfur Wheat Audio
While sulfur might be a secondary nutrient, it's of major importance in wheat crops and vital for the best yields.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- December 12, 2020

Leasing Audio
Ag leases can be simple but often ag laws are complex. Now is a good time to look at your contract terms as most contracts run on a March 1st to March 1st basis.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- December 4, 2020

12 Steps of Farm Succession Audio
The transition of the farm from one generation to the next is more than a decades long process, but also a philosophy of setting future farmers up for success.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- November 27, 2020

Rebuilding Terraces Audio
Kansas is #2 in the nation for the most field terraces. These soil conservation structures are important for soil conservation but do need occasional maintenance and repair.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- November 20, 2020

Applying Fall Anhydrous Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- November 13, 2020

Dicamba Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- November 6, 2020

Grain Market Article Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- October 30, 2020

Wheat Insects Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- October 23, 2020

Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 2 Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- October 16, 2020

Dry Wheat Planting Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- October 10, 2020


Tile Drainage Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- October 3, 2020


Bind Weed Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- October 3, 2020


Soil Sampling Article

Adaven Scronce, Diversified Agriculture and Natural Resource Agent

- September 24,2020


Wheat Planting Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- September 25, 2020


Soybean Premature Yellowing Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- September 18, 2020

Soil Sampling Audio

Adaven Scronce, Diversified Agriculture and Natural Resource Agent

- September 11,2020


Soil pH Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- September 11, 2020


Ryegrass Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- September 4, 2020

Soybean Yield Forage Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- August 28, 2020

Fall Alfalfa Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- August 19, 2020

Wheat Varieties Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- August 14, 2020

Soybean Disease Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- August 7, 2020

Silage Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- July 25, 2020


Heat Herbicides Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- July 17, 2020

The Many Uses of Straw Article
Straw…it’s more than just the leftover from wheat harvest. This agricultural byproduct has a huge number of uses. While some are quite traditional like the bedding for animals and mulch in the garden, it can also be used as a quality cattle forage, heating fuel, ethanol production, or even as a building material. Far from waste, straw has so many better uses than being burned in the field.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- July 10, 2020

Soybean Pests Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- July 10, 2020

Drought Deficent Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- July 2, 2020

Summer Diseases Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- June 26, 2020


Dicamba Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- June 20, 2020

Soybean Planting in the Right Weather Article

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- June 12, 2020


Double Sorghum Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- June 9, 2020

Hidden Corn Issues Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- June 5, 2020


Tissue Samples Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- May 22, 2020
Soybean Density Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- May 15, 2020


To Replant or Not to Replant Article
That is the question that many producers ask themselves in spring for a variety of reasons. Corn and soybeans fields can lose their plant populations for various reasons. A lack of soil moisture is a possible cause but this year it is more likely a problem due to too much water that flooded parts of the field, uncovered seeds, washed out seedlings, or even crusted over the soil making germination more difficult.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- May 15,2020


EDIL Resources Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- May 8,2020



Soybean Fertilization Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- April 20,2020

Why Is My Wheat Yellow? Article

This is a common question this time of year, which can include more than one right answer. Right now, wheat is between Feekes 8 to 10, depending on the variety, on when you are reading this article, and what part of the state you are in.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- April 17,2020

Cares Act Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- April 13,2020

Corn Planting Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- April 6,2020

Herbicide Wheat Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- March 30,2020

Soil Sample Procedures Audio

Despite the current Covid-19 outbreak, K-State Research and Extension is still accepting and processing soil samples.

Wendie Powell, Livestock Production Agent

- March 27, 2020

Insect Scouting in Wheat Starts Now Article

Nothing loves spring more than insects. Out they crawl from the soil, emerge from their winter cocoons, or fly in from the south. No matter how they come, the green lush wheat fields are awaiting their arrival. Now is the time to start scouting for some of the more winter hardy and early spring emerging insects that are common in the four state area, including the Bird Cherry-Oat Aphid, the Army Cutworm, and the Winter Grain Mite. The Hessian Fly also has it’s spring hatching of brood but normally this pest is dealt with in the fall.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- March 24,2020

Restricted Training Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- March 23,2020


Spring Insects Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- March 16,2020


Tile Drainage Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- March 9,2020


Marestail Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- March 2,2020


Dicamba Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

-February 24, 2020

The Hype About Hemp Article

In April 2018 the Kansas Governor signed a bill that enacted the Alternative Crop Research Act and lead to the production of industrial hemp being legal in Kansas. This bill made Kansas one of 42 states where industrial hemp is legal to grow. The Kansas Department of Agriculture reported that there were 207 growers in 2019. However, these growers faced challenges due to hemp production being new in Kansas and no available information regarding the best practices for growing industrial hemp in the Kansas climate and soils.

Adaven Scronce- Diversified Agriculture and Natural Resources Agent

- February 19, 2020

Calibrating Sprayers Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- February 17, 2020

Data Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- February 10, 2020

Top Dress Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

February 3, 2020

Variety Trials Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- January 27, 2020

Common Ag Lease Misunderstandings Article
January and February is a time when people look at their financials for the year, mostly for taxes, but this often brings up conversations about agricultural leases as well. The majority of landlords and leasers know what the payment terms are for their contracts but don’t realize that there are a number of other inherent terms in the contract as well, ones that are formed by the lease laws of Kansas.

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- January 24, 2020

Soft Wheat Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- January 20, 2020

Lease Misconceptions Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- January 13, 2020

Diacamba Audio

James Coover, Crop Production Agent

- January 6, 2020