Soybean Sudden Death Syndrome Audio Article
Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS). This dramatic sounding disease can quite possibly warrant the name as SDS can really hurt yield and leave large areas of your soybean field black and withered. Sudden Death Syndrome is fairly common and can be problematic in wet years during the flowering period, especially in river bottoms and low areas of the field. The higher the yield potential of the soybean the more likely SDS will be an issue.

- Dec. 27, 2018
Proper Forage Sampling Procedures Audio Article
Hay bales can be an effective and reliable feed source for livestock as the weather turns cold and dreary. When it comes to feeding or selling hay through the winter, one thing that should never be neglected is to get the hay properly tested. The information gained from forage sampling will help to better determine the hay’s market value and ration formulation for livestock.

- Dec. 4, 2018

Agricultural Interest Rates - Audio

The current agricultural economy is often compared to the ag crisis of the 1980s. However, everyone always says the major difference is the interest rate. As many producers are painfully aware, the interest rates in the 80s skyrocketed out of control. Thankfully, the current rates have not followed that pattern. In this clip we will from K-State Agricultural Economist Brian Briggeman as he talks about the direction of the interest rate.

- Jan. 18, 2018

2018 Chemical Weed Control Guides - Audio

The 2018 Chemical Weed Control For Field Crops, Pastures, Rangeland, and non-Cropland has been published online with hard copies coming soon to your local extension office. This is one of the most useful publications available to producers who utilized herbicides of any type. In this clip we will here from K-State Research and Extension Weed Management Specialist Curtis Thompson as he speaks about this valuable resource he helps co author.

- Jan. 11, 2018