Lawn & Garden

Maintaining attractive communities and home landscapes increases property values and promotes an improved quality of life that makes the Wildcat Extension District a great place to live.

Whether you have questions about lawns, vegetables, flowers, or landscape maintenance, Extension information is available to help you. Our Extension garden experts and trained subject matter specialists are prepared to provide you with non-biased, research-based information.

Soil Sample

Have you struggled with your previous gardens, pastures, or field? Proper soil PH and Fertility is important for growing to be at its peak. K-State Research and Extension is accepting and processing soil samples. Each sample is $10 to mail and process. Click here for more information.

Gardening and Landscapes Facebook Page

Facebook Group Cover Photo

Are you on Facebook? Find our group "Wildcat Extension District Gardening and Landscapes," where we provide timely information regarding all of your seasonal outdoor needs!

Other Online Resources