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- 4-H Youth Development
- Montgomery County 4-H
4-H Enrollment
4-H Online Enrollment
1. Go to http://v2.4honline.com/
2. Select "I need to set up a profile"
3. County will be Wildcat District, Montgomery
4. Role will be "family"
5. Click the "Login" button
6. Follow the instructions on the new family enrollment guide to enroll. **Save your password!
Stay in Touch
- Join the Wildcat District 4-H Facebook Group
- Download the Wildcat District 4-H on the Go App now!
- See our monthly 4-H Newsletter
Club Meeting Information
MG County 4-H Clubs
Please call the Extension Office for club leader contact information.
Caney Pioneers
2nd Sunday at 4:00 pm
Trinity Lutheran Church, Caney
(call to double check location)
Fawn Creek
3rd Monday at 7:00 pm
Tyro Christian Church
Happy Hustlers
1st Wednesday
6:30 pm (School)
7:00 pm (Summer)
Logan Park Comm. Building
Peppy Progressive
2nd Monday at 6:30 pm
Liberty Methodist Church
Sycamore Sunflowers
3rd Thursday at 7:00 pm
Sycamore Township Hall
Valley Victors
3rd Monday at 7:00 pm
Sycamore Township Hall
4-H Member Record Book Information
Youth have two options for completing record books, online through ZBooks or with form fill-able PDFs. Each county's 4-H council will determine how awards and pins work for their county.
Why should youth complete a record book?
1. Determine which project(s) to fill a record book for. Youth are encouraged to fill out one record book on one project but may do as many as they wish based on the 4-H projects they completed in the current year. Some projects may be lumped into larger categories, consult the list of categories.
2. Create 4-H record book folder or three ring binder for EACH project record book. Each book should have a copy of the personal page and permanent record, offices can help make copies. Separating the books into different folders allows us to sort your books and deliever them to local experts on each project area for judging. Tabs for sorting the book are appreciated but please don't use page protectors.
3. Select your age division to fill out the proper paperwork through ZBooks or the pdf forms! Youth may compete in higher age divisions but not lower. Youth must fill out the paperwork for the age division they wish to compete in.
4. Submit to your club leader by their deadline for signatures and sorting. Your club leader will submit to the office by the October 1st deadline.
For the most up to date record book report forms click here
**Save PDFs to computer and open from computer in order to save your work!
Help and guidance through the new online record book keeping program, ZBooks, can be found HERE
Member Achievement Pins
Achievement Pins can be found on the Kansas 4-H website. Please look at the requirements early in the year so youth know what goals to set and how active they need to be in order to be awarded the pin they want. The Key Award is the highest honor in 4-H and youth should be at least 16 years old before applying. Membership pins are due at the same time as record books but are not required. Achievement pins are not part of the record book process.
Q: Do I have to apply for the pins in order?
A: No, but families should be prepared to track their pins and know what they've applied for in the past. It is not the Extension office or your club leader's responsiblity to update you each year on what you've applied for in the past. We prefer young members go in order but understand some members start at an older age and it might be able to apply for more advanced pins.
Q: Can youth apply for more than one pin in a year?
A: No, youth may only apply for one pin a year. This does not apply to the Key Award. According to KS 4-H policy the Key Award is an award not a pin. Youth apply apply for a pin and the Key Award the same year.
Officer Resources
Being elected to an officer role is a great honor and responsibility. This means that your club sees you a leader who will help them move forward. With this honor comes great responsibility. Officers are encouraged to learn about their role and complete the necessary books to be completed at the end of the year. At this link you will find officer training videos, books, and much more. Here is a copy of the score sheets for the following books Secretary, Treasurer, Reporter, and Historian
Check here for more Officer Resorces
End of the Year Club Reports
End of year financial review checklist (Click Here)
End of year financial report: (Click Here)
Record Book FAQ
Q: Do I have to complete a record book for each project I participated in throughout the year or entered at the fair?
A: No, youth may fill out a record book for each project(enrolled/exhibited) but it is not required.
Q: Do I have to print my ZBooks record book or can I submit it online?
A: ZBooks record books must be printed and submitted one project per folder same as the PDFs.
Q: My ZBooks record book form looks different than the PDFs when I print it. Is that a problem?
A: No. Judges will be made aware of the different layouts but the infomration in both are the same and will not impact judging.
Q: There used to be a district-wide check sheet for the front of my book. Do I still need it?
A. No, the district checksheet was being confused with the state checksheet. The cheecksheets purpose was to remind youth of events they particpated in that could go in their book and permanant record. The checksheet received a ribbon sticker based on how many events they youth attended to remind them that while they might not have done much with their record book project this year there was a chance they still did a lot of cool things with 4-H that was not project specific for their record book. This district checksheet is no longer required but you could ask your agent for an old copy if you need help remembering events throughout the year.
Q: Do I have to do a separate personal page or permanent record for each project record book?
A: No, youth can make copies and put the same personal page and permanent record in each book.
Q: Do record books still require a 4-H story?
A: No the 4-H story is now encompassed in the 4-H Project Reflection section of your record book. Your general information (ie. projects completed this year, camp, leadership opportunities) will go in your permanent record and details about the specific project the books is over go in the Project Reflection section.
Q: Does my record book need to be in official 4-H folder?
A:No. Any folder that has the youth's name and club visible on the cover with prongs or rings to easily turn pages will work.
Q: Can I put my record book in page protectors?
A: Please do not put any record book pages in page protectors. This is a rule at state record book judging.
Q: Can I compete in an older record book division to try to win the county award?
A: Yes, youth may compete in higher divisions, but not lower. If you wish to compete in a higher division you must fill out the record book forms for that level.
Q: When are record books due?
A: Record books are always due in your local extension office the October 1, annually. However, your club leaders may have an earlier due date to sort and sign books, please check with them.
Wildcat District Competitive Teams
Interested in judging with any of the teams below? Call the extension office at 620-331-2690 or email krohling@ksu.edu to express your interest and we will put you in contact with the coach.
- Meats Judging - identifing retail cuts of meat and grading
- Livestock Judging - judging the market quality and breeding ability
- Skill-a-thon - identifing livestock equipment, feed samples, feed rations, etc.
- Quiz Bowl - answering livestock questions through a game show format
- Photography judging - ranking pictures based on desired features
- Horticulture/Crops Judging - identifing plants and written test
Club Day
Montgomery County 4-H Club Day
Club Day can be described as a talent show where youth particpate in public speaking, deomonsrations, music, talent, model meetings, etc. The event is held yearly in late January/early February and moves around the county. Date and location usually annouced in November. Find out more about our club day event HERE
Montgomery County 4-H Fair Information
Fairgrounds are located at Riverside Park in Independence, KS. Google map pinpoint of the main 4-H building can be found HERE. LINK to FAIR WEBSITE- including fair entry video, study materials, fair forms, camping and more!
4-H Camps
**All MG Co. youth can receive a scholarship to Cedar Bluff and Greenbush by giving a talk or demonstration at club day.
- Discovery 4-H Days - June 5-7, 2024 in Manhattan KS for youth 13-18 as of January 1st.
- Rock Springs 4-H camp - Registration is open NOW! Early Bird registrations deadline is November 1. Rock Springs camp is for youth ages 8-18. Youth pick their date in June. 4 day or six day camp. (old camp model was the 4 day camp). Prices range and scholarships are available. Camp Q&A
- Greenbush 4-H Camp - 7-8 year olds (click for more info)
- Greenbush 4-H Camp - 10-13 year olds (Click for more info)
- Floating on Leadership - Teens 14-18 are invited to join us on a float trip at the river. Day trip. Float date is typically middle of June. We don't go every year unless there is interest. Cost is estimated $40
Youth for the Quality Care of Animals
Youth will learn about reading feed tags, giving shots, and more! Classes open to all youth as a learning opportunity regardless of where you plan to show!
2024 YQCA Dates Announced end of January for each county. Welcome to attend any session or complete the online version.
YQCA training is required for youth (ages 7-21) who will be showing livestock at the Kansas State Fair or the Kansas Junior Livestock Show. The YQCA website is,https://yqcaprogram.org/ . Use your 4-H Online user name and password to login. Instructions for signing up for classes and printing completed certificate: click here .
Following the training, please log back in to take a post-course survey and access your certificate!
State Fair and KJLS
Tagging instructions, checklists, declaration and nomination paperwork will be printed for you and delivered with your tags or you can print it yourself at: https://www.asi.k-state.edu/research-and-extension/youth-programs/nominated-livestock/. Contact Katie at krohling@ksu.edu or 620-778-4616 to make arrangements to get tags!
Nomination Deadlines:
- May 1 - Market Steers and Market Heifers
- June 15 - Commercial Heifers, Market Lambs and Commercial Ewes, Market Hogs, Commercial Breeding Gilts, ALL Meat Goats (no registered breeding doe show)
- N/A - Registered Breeding Heifers, Registered Breeding Ewes, Purebred Breeding Gilts.
Become a Volunteer
If you are interested in becoming a volunteer or if you are a current volunteer and would like some more resources please contact your local extension office.
Step 1: 4-H Online Profile
Step 2: Background Check
Scholarship Information
Recommendation Letter Process
- Kansas 4-H Scholarships
- Applies to high school graduating seniors and college 4-H alumni. Consists of an online application that will ask you to upload supporting documents like reference letters. Application will be available December 23rd. Deadline submit online application is March 1st, annually. Scholarship application and more information
- Grand Drive Scholarship Application
- A new addition that started in 2019 to this great program and superb livestock shows were the ten (10) - one Thousand Dollar ($1000) scholarships! Any past or present exhibitor of the Kansas State Fair Grand Drive that is enrolled in secondary education that will have graduated high school in 2021 or before. (must have at least one year of secondary education remaining to apply) Scholarship Application.
- Bill House Hereford Scholarship
Mr. Swain William (Bill) House had a passion for agriculture and the cattle industry and wanted young people to have an opportunity to earn a career in agriculture. His legacy will continue through the Bill House Hereford Foundation Scholarship Fund, established to support students pursing an agricultural-related degree. Scholarship information
- Vanier Family 4-H Scholarship
- Applies to high school graduating seniors, entering college for the first time as a full-time college student. Consists of an online application that will ask you to upload supporting documents. Application will be available December 23rd. Deadline to submit the application is March 1st annually. Application and more information
Wildcat Extension Education Foundation Anna Mae Brown Memorial Scholarship
Open to any youth, not dependent on 4-H enrollment. Applies to college juniors or seniors (completed 60 hours) enrolled in a specific degree path. For more information please refer to the application. Application due July 1, annually.
Montgomery County 4-H
In Memory of Cecil Eyestone. Cecil Eyestone was the 4-H agent for Montgomery County from 1946 to 1957 before transferring to be a state 4-H specialist on campus. Mr. Eyestone’s dedication to the 4-H program got him elected to the 4-H Hall of fame in 2008. Eyestone led Montgomery County 4-H youth to national livestock, dairy, poultry, and crops judging teams. Application is due annually April 1st. Application
- County Camp
- Each county 4-H council offers different variations of camp scholarships. Please refer to your county 4-H webpage and 4-H agent for more information.