Home & Community Media

Less Really is More News Column Audio

Reducing clutter in your home can have numerous benefits, impacting both your physical environment and mental well-being. Here are some of the key advantages:

Valori Stone, Family & Community Wellness Agent

June 26, 2024

Key to Reaching Financial Goals: Expense Tracking News Column Audio Life is busy. We go to work, pay our bills, live our lives then look at our bank accounts and think “where in the world did my money go?!” When teaching about financial wellness, I focus a lot on goal setting and budgeting.

Julie Smith, Family Resource Management and Entrepreneurship Agent

May 29, 2024

Extension of Knowledge News Column Audio
K-State University Research and Extension (KSRE) is a branch of Kansas State University (K-State) that provides research-based information and educational programs to individuals, families, businesses, and communities in the state of Kansas.V

Valori Stone, Family & Community Wellness Agent

May 24, 2024

Spring Cleaning: Tips for Cleaning up your Home and Life News Column Audio
The days are getting longer, and the signs of spring are everywhere. As flowers bloom and birds chirp, it is a great time of the year to do spring cleaning of all sorts. Here are some tips on how to tidy up your home, diet and mental health during this season.

Julie Smith, Family Resource Management and Entrepreneurship Agent

April 24, 2024

May is Mental Health Month News Column Audio
According to Mental Health America, while our devices make us more connected than ever, loneliness is an increasingly serious public health concern.

Valori Stone, Family & Community Wellness Agent

April 15, 2024

Stepping Out News Column Audio
There is a simple activity all of us should do to receive numerous benefits for both our physical and mental health.

Valori Stone, Family & Community Wellness Agent

March 21, 2024

Summer is Coming: Vacation Planning Starts Now News Column Audio
The days are getting longer, and spring break season is here! Soon we will be tending to our gardens and trading in boots for sandals.

Julie Smith, Family Resource Management and Entrepreneurship Agent

March 12, 2024

Tax Season: Plan Your Refund Dollars News Column Audio
Tis the season for tax returns! Are you the one who files your return as soon as you can? On the other hand, maybe you are more like me, still gathering all of your documents and hoping to get everything filed just before the April 15 deadline.

Julie Smith, Family Resource Management and Entrepreneurship Agent

February 13, 2024

Dream Team News Column Audio
Do you feel tired all the time? Are you getting enough quality sleep? Numerous health organizations and medical professionals recommend getting a good night's sleep for overall health and well-being.

Valori Stone, Family & Community Wellness Agent

February 7, 2024

2024: Your Year for Financial Wellness News Column Audio
It’s a brand-new year! The last few years have been rough – from a global pandemic to high inflation rates, financial goals have taken a back burner for many.

Julie Smith, Family Resource Management and Entrepreneurship Agent

January 4, 2024

Weathering Winter News Column Audio
Maintaining mental health is essential as winter is fast approaching and many of us will begin to isolate ourselves more to avoid winter illness or winter weather conditions.

Valori Stone, Family & Community Wellness Agent

December 20, 2023

Christmas 2023: Stop Impulse Spending News Column Audio
The holidays are here! The Christmas season is a time to celebrate family, friends and faith…a time to give to others and show appreciation and care to those in our lives.

Julie Smith, Family Resource Management and Entrepreneurship Agent

November 30, 2023

Holiday Health and Happiness News Column Audio
Holidays can be a whirlwind of activity, and stressful or emotionally challenging. It's crucial to remember that the holiday season is meant to be enjoyed.

Valori Stone, Family & Community Wellness Agent

November 22, 2023

Medicare Annual Election Period News Column Audio
Each year from October 15 through December 7, Medicare beneficiaries are able to change certain parts of their coverage to be effective January 1 of the following year. Known as the “annual election period” or “open enrollment,” this is important for every person with current Medicare coverage.

Julie Smith, Family Resource Management and Entrepreneurship Agent

Oct 25, 2023

Holiday Blues News Column Audio
"Holiday blues" is a term used to describe a feeling of sadness or depression that some people experience during or after the holiday season.

Valori Stone, Family & Community Wellness Agent

October 18, 2023

Suicide Prevention News Column Audio
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), more than 700,000 people die due to suicide every year, and it's estimated that for each suicide, there may be more than 20 suicide attempts.

Valori Stone, Family & Community Wellness Agent

September 13, 2023

Getting a Handle on Out of Control Debt News Column Audio
Recent studies show that 73 percent of Americans rank finances as the number one stress in life – above politics, work, and family. A major cause of this stress is out-of-control debt.

Julie Smith, Family Resource Management and Entrepreneurship Agent

Aug 14, 2023

County Fair Connections News Column Audio
K-State extension agents and staff work with community volunteers to help with 4-H events before and during the County Fairs in our area.These experiences can teach the younger generation valuable skills, responsibility, and leadership.

Valori Stone, Family & Community Wellness Agent

August 10, 2023

Back to School Shopping... Yes, Already! News Column Audio
It is just mid-July, but the back-to-school supplies are starting to make an appearance at our local stores. While I would rather ignore the signs that school will be starting soon, it can be financially beneficial to start your shopping early. Here are a few tips to consider when planning for the new school year.

Julie Smith, Family Resource Management and Entrepreneurship Agent

July 13, 2023

Beware of Pig Butchering Scams News Column Audio
The Kansas Insurance Department (KID) recently issued a warning against one of the fastest growing investment frauds in the US – pig butchering scams. While these types of scams have nothing to do with pork, the name derives from the practice of fattening a hog before the slaughter.

Julie Smith, Family Resource Management and Entrepreneurship Agent

June 7, 2023

A New Family and Community Wellness Agent for Wildcat District Extension News Column Audio
Hello, I am Valori Stone. I have been serving the Wildcat District as a Family and Community Wellness Agent for K-State Research and Extension since May 1st.

Valori Stone, Family and community Wellness Agent

May 30, 2023

Summer Gigs for Students: A Great Way to Boost Finances and Knowledge News Column Audio
It is hard to believe that school will be out in just a few short weeks. For many young adults, the free time in the summer offers a great opportunity to earn extra spending money.

Julie Smith, Family Resource Management and Entrepreneurship Agent

May 3, 2023

Financial Literacy Month: It is a Great Time to Sharpen Your Skills News Column Audio
Did you know April is Financial Literacy Month? Designed to raise awareness on planning for your secure financial future, April is a great time to reflect on the state of your personal finances and explore opportunities to improve them one step at a time.

Julie Smith, Family Resource Management and Entrepreneurship Agent

April 5, 2023

Tax Season: Plan Your Refund Dollars News Column Audio
Tis the season for tax returns! Are you the one who files your return as soon as you can? On the other hand, maybe you are more like me, still gathering all of your documents and hoping to get everything filed just before the April 15 deadline.

Julie Smith, Family Resource Management and Entrepreneurship Agent

March 9, 2023

Wevere Weather Preparedness Week March 6-10 News Column Audio
Living in the Midwest brings a variety of weather conditions – sometimes on the same day. Spring and summer weather can include wind, rain, storms, lightning, flooding, tornados and hail. While spring and summer bring a heightened awareness of these conditions, they are not limited to a certain time of year.

Holly Miner, Nutrition,Food Safety, and Health Agent

February 24, 2023

Family Meals are Important News Column Audio
Would you like to feel more connected to your family? Kansas State University Nutrition Specialist Sandy Procter says parents are serving up a lot more than nutritious food when they insist that their families eat meals together.

Michelle Broxterman, Family and Child Development Agent

February 17, 2023

Youth Entrepreneurship: The Roadmap to Our Future News Column Audio
An entrepreneur is a person who organizes and operates a business, generally taking on more risk than average to do so. I believe that learning and practicing entrepreneurship at a young age is key to developing the workforce of tomorrow.

Julie Smith, Family Resource Management and Entrepreneurship Agent

February 7, 2023

Manage Your Childs Screen Time News Column Audio
These days, technology is everywhere. TV’s, computers, phones, and other electronic devices are all competing for our kids’ attention.

Michelle Broxterman, Family and Child Development Agent

January 19, 2023

Let's Talk About Radon News Column Audio
Do you know that one in four homes in Kansas tests high for Radon? Many of us have never heard about the risks of radon gas in our homes. Research shows that the risk of developing lung cancer increases as the concentration and length of exposure to radon increase.

Julie Smith, Family Resource Management and Entrepreneurship Agent

January 12, 2023

Who Gets Grandma's Yellow Pie Plate? News Column Audio
We will all be gathering with family again soon. Do you have that one item in your family that everyone knows about? Maybe it’s something that cherishes a lot of memories for many.

Tara Solomon-Smith, Adult Development and Aging Agent

December 13, 2022

How to Control Last Minute Spending News Column Audio
The number one concept in all budgeting is plan, plan, and plan. Plan for the expected, plan for the unexpected. Plan for the grocery store trip, plan for back to school shopping, and of course plan for the Christmas season.

Julie Smith, Family Resource Management and Entrepreneurship Agent

December 7, 2022

De-Stress for Heart Health Success News Column Audio
Over 144,000 people in Kansas live with coronary heart disease. There's good news though, it can often be prevented.

Tara Solomon-Smith, Adult Development and Aging Agent

November 10, 2022

Fall Living Well Wednesday Series to address Holiday topics News Column Audio
The virtual learning series, Living Well Wednesday, hosted by K-State Research and Extension, announces a fall series of online webinars over the lunch hour geared toward various holiday topics. Wellness is defined broadly through this series, including topics that relate to physical, mental, financial, and relationship health.

Julie Smith, Family Resource Management and Entrepreneurship Agent

November 2, 2022

Is Your Home Fit? News Column Audio
What if a home could be suitable for any resident, of any age or physical ability? We all deserve a safe, livable, and enjoyable space to not only live in but thrive in!

Tara Solomon-Smith, Adult Development and Aging Agent

October 4, 2022

Overwhelmed by Debt? News Column Audio
In the field of financial resource management, I’m often asked “how much is too much debt?”We refer to this field often as “Personal Finance” because, truly, everyone’s financial story is different and personal to them and to their situation.

Julie Smith, Family Resource Management and Entrepreneurship Agent

September 30, 2022

Be the One to Save a Life this Year News Column Audio
What seems to transcend age, gender, socio-economic, and educational levels? Suicide does just that. For every person who dies by suicide annually, there are another 316 people who have thought seriously about suicide, and nearly 60 who have survived a suicide attempt. We all have dark moments but there is hope and we can all help!


Tara Solomon-Smith, Adult Development and Aging Agent

September 7, 2022

Emergency Preparedness Month: Are YOur ready for a Disaster? News Column Audio
September is National Preparedness Month. From fires and floods to tornadoes and earthquakes, disasters can happen anywhere…at any time. While nothing can totally prepare you for the aftermath of a disaster, there are steps you can take to reduce the chaos in the case of an unfortunate event.

Julie Smith, Family Resource Management and Entrepreneurship Agent

August 30, 2022

The A, B, C, and D's of Medicare News Column Audio
We have all seen the Medicare ads that will make you wonder if you are missing out on important benefits. This is not necessarily the case and there is no need to ponder this concern alone! Trained and unbiased Senior Health Insurance Counselors are available to visit with you and see what works best for your situation.

Tara Solomon-Smith, Adult Development and Aging Agent

August 10, 2022

Back to School Shopping... Where Did the Summer Go? News Column Audio
The older I get, the faster the summers seem to go. I feel like I was just attending graduation parties yesterday, but my daughter starts her sophomore year of high school in just over two weeks. Yikes! If summer went just as fast for you, odds are you have not had a lot of time to think about back-to-school shopping.

Julie Smith, Family Resource Management and Entrepreneurship Agent

August 1, 2022

The 411 on the 988 Lifeline News Column Audio
Have trouble remembering numbers? With cell phones, I do not even have my husband’s number memorized! There is good news for us, modeled after 911, the new three-digit 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline is designed to be a memorable and quick number that connects people who are in any mental health crisis to a trained mental health professional who will provide compassionate, confidential support for free.


Tara Solomon-Smith, Adult Development and Aging Agent

July 20, 2022

Tips for New Investors News Column Audio
There are so many different aspects to financial health. Following a budget, building an emergency savings account, and even improving your credit score. There is another piece, though, that I am personally not so great at – investing.

Julie Smith, Family Resource Management and Entrepreneurship Agent

July 13, 2022

A Healthy Home at Any Age News Column Audio
Most of us spend up to 90 percent of our time in our homes, and this summer may be even more! June is National Healthy HOmes Month and there are no low cost strategies to make sure your home is healthy for all.

Healthy Home

Tara Solomon-Smith, Adult Development and Aging Agent

June 21, 2022

Stretching Your Food Budget News Column Audio
The rising price of gas and the cost of groceries are starting to affect budgets all across the country. For those in some parts of rural America, it is expensive to even get to the grocery store…let alone afford to fill the cart for a week’s worth of meals.

Julie Smith, Family Resource Management and Entrepreneurship Agent

June 15, 2022

Time Management and Where to Start News Column Audio
We all have the same amount of time in a day, it is limited, and we cannot do everything! Are you like me, trying several things, buying all the planners and organizing tools for better time management?

Tara Solomon-Smith, Adult Development and Aging Agent

June 2, 2022

Make your Vacation a Staycation News Column Audio
Summer is here and you need a vacation, right? When setting your yearly vacation budget, chances are you did not plan for recent inflation or current gas prices. While it is important for mental health to take a break, you do not actually have to leave home to sit back and relax this summer.

Julie Smith, Family Resource Management and Entrepreneurship Agent

May 18, 2022

Back to Basics with Mental Health Awareness Month News Column Audio
After the last two years of pandemic living, many people are realizing that stress, isolation, and uncertainty takes a toll on our well-being. With mental health entering more of our daily conversations, it’s critical that everyone has a solid foundation of knowledge about mental health. Mental Health America (MHA) is getting back to basics with this year’s Mental Health Awareness Month.

back to Basic

Tara Solomon-Smith, Adult Development and Aging Agent

April 27, 2022

Make Your List: The Inportance of Household Inventory News Column Audio
If you are anything like me, you’ve accumulated a lot of “stuff” over the years. While I could list big ticket items in my home easily, I am not currently prepared to list all of my possessions in the case of a massive disaster such as a tornado, fire or even theft.

Julie Smith, Family Resource Management and Entrepreneurship Agent

April 20, 2022

So Now What? Tips for Managing Life after Retirement News Column Audio
Your finances are all in order and your bucket list is complete. You are officially ready to retire, right? Not so fast. Research has shown that we need to be concerned about more than just money before and during retirement. Fact Sheet

My Retirement Action Plan

retirement plan

Tara Solomon-Smith, Adult Development and Aging Agent

March 30, 2022

Youth Entrepreneurship: The Roadmap to Our Future News Column Audio
An entrepreneur is a person who organizes and operates a business, generally taking on more risk than average to do so. I believe that learning and practicing entrepreneurship at a young age is key to developing the workforce of tomorrow.

Julie Smith, Family Resource Management and Entrepreneurship Agent

March 24, 2022

Aging with Attitude News Column Audio
It’s taking place every day, for everyone…. aging that is, and it is an opportunity! Let’s come together to learn and ensure we can all thrive as we age, on Friday, April 29th, for the Aging with Attitude Regional Expo.

Tara Solomon-Smith, Adult Development and Aging Agent

March 16, 2022

Tips for the 2022 Tax Season News Column Audio
It’s officially tax season! The IRS began accepting 2021 Tax Returns on January 24th so we are officially one month into the tax season. For most taxpayers, the deadline to submit your 2021 return or file for an extension is Monday, April 18th, 2022.

Julie Smith, Family Resource Management and Entrepreneurship Agent

February 22, 2022

Tips for Workplace Burnout News Column Audio
Is work getting you down? Maybe every day is feeling like a Monday for you. This could be a sign of burnout. Though a term we have all heard, it is bigger than you may think and was acknowledged as a syndrome linked to chronic stress at work that is not successfully managed, even before the pandemic.

Tara Solomon-Smith, Adult Development and Aging Agent

February 4, 2022

It's Time to Test for Radon News Column Audio
As we start a new year, it is important to remember that the Kansas Radon Program encourages all Kansas residents to test their homes for radon gas during the January to March time frame.


Julie Smith, Family Resource Management and Entrepreneurship Agent

January 27, 2022

Combatting the Many Faces of Ageism News Column Audio
‘I had a senior moment’, ‘Kids these days do not have work ethic’, ‘You don’t look your age’, she’s too young to be a manager’. Does this sound familiar? You have probably heard, or even said one of these phrases, I know I have. Though some well-intended, these can be ageist and put down older (or younger) people.

Tara Solomon-Smith, Adult Development and Aging Agent

January 7, 2022

Holiday Spending Cleanup- Getting Your financial House in Order News Column Audio
The gifts have all been opened. The families are back home from their Christmas trips to Grandma’s and the sounds and sights of the holidays are starting to disappear. The hope of a new year brings new goals and a fresh start, right?

Julie Smith, Family Resource Management and Entrepreneurship Agent

December 27, 2021

Stress Less This Holiday News Column Audio
December is here! Are you stressed by the number of days until holidays are upon us? This is why K-State Research and Extension (KSRE) is hosting webinars to prepare us for reducing stress and increasing joy during this season.

Tara Solomon-Smith, Adult Development and Aging Agent

December 1,2021

Giving Back Over the Holidays News Column Audio
For many, the holidays are such a rush of shopping, cooking, planning and attending parties, coordinating family gatherings and trying to stay afloat financially and mentally.

Julie Smith, Family Resource Management and Entrepreneurship Agent

November 22, 2021

Looking to Add Years to Your Life? Positivity Can Hellp! Article Audio
Did you know that having a positive outlook on aging can add up to 7 ½ years to your life? A smile or words of encouragement may seem like small things, but they sure add up! Dr. Erin Yelland, Associate Professor and Interim Director of the Center on Aging, has come up with an acronym that supports her belief and research that living with positivity is the healthy path for most.

Tara Solomon-Smith, Adult Development and Aging Agent

October 28,2021

Christmas spending: Planning Ahead Matters Article Audio
As of November 1st, there are seven weekends until Christmas. Only seven Saturdays to do all of your holiday shopping, gift wrapping, baking and more. While it might seem fairly distant, it won’t be long before our communities are adorned with holiday cheer and Christmas carols fill the airwaves.

Julie Smith, Family Resource Management and Entrepreneurship Agent

October 20, 2021

Healthy Habits for Working Remotely Article Audio
Many businesses and workers have restructured after COVID and chosen to explore options for remote work or "working from home." People who work from home may do so full-time, part-time, for a larger company, or for themselves as a entrepreneur or freelancer.

Frances Graves, District Director & Community Vitality Agent

September 29,2021

Everyone Plays a Part in Suicide Prevention Article Audio
What seems to transcend age, gender, socio-economic, and educational levels? Suicide, and it is something to talk about and everyone can help play a part to prevent it!

Tara Solomon-Smith, Adult Development and Aging Agent

September 23,2021

Overwhelmed by Debt? PowerPay can help! Article Audio
In the field of financial resource management, I’m often asked “how much is too much debt?”We refer to this field often as “Personal Finance” because, truly, everyone’s financial story is different and personal to them and to their situation.

Julie Smith, Family Resource Management and Entrepreneurship Agent

September 16, 2021

Screen Time Check Article Audio
Anyone else cringe at their weekly screen time report? Digging a little deeper, I see it tells me how many ‘pick ups’ I have and where I look first. I hate to admit it, but based this report, I am very close to the average adult, checking my phone every 12 minutes.

Tara Solomon-Smith, Adult Development and Aging Agent

August 20,2021

Budgeting How To: Where Do I Begin? Article Audio
I don’t know about you, but over the years I’ve learned that I definitely am in the category associated with the old saying “the more you make, the more you spend.” It can be very frustrating to think that you are finally in a position to get ahead, but then learn that no matter what your income, you struggle not to dip into savings to stay afloat.

Julie Smith, Family Resource Management and Entrepreneurship Agent

August 13, 2021

Cultivating Resiliency Article Audio
Have you ever wondered why some situations affect you differently than they affect others? Why getting a C on a test or constructive criticism on a project is 'no big deal' for some, but life-altering for others? This has to do with resilience.

Tara Solomon-Smith, Adult Development and Aging Agent

July 14,2021

Child Tax Credit Payments: Plan Ahead Now Article Audio
For over 36 million households with dependents age 17 and under, bank accounts will see some extra green starting in just a few weeks. The American Rescue Plan increased child tax credits from $2000 per child to up to $3600 for the tax year 2021.

Julie Smith, Family Resource Management and Entrepreneurship Agent

June 28, 2021

June is Alzheimer's and Brain Awareness Month Article Audio
The brain is a powerful organ. Worldwide, 50 million people are living with Alzheimer’s or a form of dementia. June is Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month — an opportunity to join the Alzheimer’s Association in a conversation about the brain, Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias.

Tara Solomon-Smith, Adult Development and Aging Agent

June 17,2021

Growing Up: Tips for Young Adults to Build Credit Early Article Audio
Just as we are not born knowing how to read, we also do not have a natural ability to manage money. Our financial habits are learned over time… from educators, family, friends and other influencers in our lives.

Julie Smith, Family Resource Management and Entrepreneurship Agent

June 8, 2021

Remote Work: Tricks of the Trade Article Audio
Early last year, many of us were forced into a sudden remote work environment with no real training or timeline for how long we’d be working from our dining room tables. In my case, our team found ways to connect virtually and continue providing research based educational programs for Kansans.

Julie Smith, Family Resource Management and Entrepreneurship Agent

May 19, 2021

Financial Checkup: It’s Time Article Audio
As we grow older, we know it’s important to visit our doctor yearly for blood work and preventative screenings. From physical to mental health, it is vital to catch things and arrange treatment before it’s too late…and the same goes for financial health.

Julie Smith, Family Resource Management and Entrepreneurship Agent

April 28, 2021

“Water: It’s Time to Drink Up” Article Audio
We are a few weeks into this year’s Walk Kansas program, which promotes physical activity over an 8-week course. While the basis of the program is staying active, an additional key to the program is logging the amount of water participants consume daily.

Julie Smith, Family Resource Management and Entrepreneurship Agent

April 7, 2021

Time to get active: Walk Kansas 2021 Article Audio
Can you believe we were experiencing record breaking freezing temperatures just a few short weeks ago? The days are getting longer and signs of spring are starting to appear. As the weather warms up, it’s a great time to commit to being active.

Julie Smith, Family Resource Management and Entrepreneurship Agent

March 16, 2021

Mindful Conflict Resilience, Not Reactivity Article Audio
As I write this, I realize just how much I need to talk about the uncomfortable word... conflict! Whether it be with my family or working relationships, I must say, I either avoid it or do the complete opposite by overreacting. Tell me I am not alone!

Tara Solomon-Smith, Adult Development and Aging Agent

March 9,2021

Goals: More than just a January Juncture Article Audio
How are your goals progressing this year? While teaching another Extension course recently, I was reminded how helpful it is to write down some action plans and verbalize those plans with others. This reminded me of a couple of other tools I learned about setting goals and working on action plans.

Tara Solomon-Smith, Adult Development and Aging Agent

February 24,2021

Traits of a Successful Entrepreneur Article Audio
Take a look around at the businesses in your community. From local mom and pop stores to corporate chains, the story is the same. Each business began because someone had an idea and took the necessary steps to turn that idea into a reality.

Julie Smith, Family Resource Management and Entrepreneurship Agent

Febuary 16, 2021

Setting Bounderies to Ease Stress Article Audio
Our team recently completed a mental health training which also talked about self-care. While not specifically on our self-care action plan, this made me reflect on how I am doing in setting boundaries with relationships, work, and even social media.

Tara Solomon-Smith, Adult Development and Aging Agent

February 2,2021

Make your List: The Importance of Household Inventory Article Audio
If you are anything like me, you’ve accumulated a lot of “stuff” over the years. While I could list big ticket items in my home easily, I am not currently prepared to list all of my possessions in the case of a massive disaster such as a tornado, fire or even theft.

Julie Smith, Family Resource Management and Entrepreneurship Agent

January 29, 2021

Keeping Active at Home Article Audio
Stuck in that winter time and at home rut? You are not alone! Sometimes the hardest part of exercising is getting started; other times, life has happened and you have had to take a break from a routine.

Tara Solomon-Smith, Adult Development and Aging Agent

January 15,2021

It's a Good Day to Save a Dollar Article Audio
Here we are, the start of a new year. While simply surviving 2020 feels like a massive accomplishment, there are still 2021 resolutions to make and challenges to accomplish. When it comes to financial planning, goal setting is essential to budgeting and saving.

Julie Smith, Family Resource Management and Entrepreneurship Agent

January 5, 2021

Feeling Stretched as a Caregiver Article Audio

It’s a fact, caregivers have higher levels of stress than non-caregivers. If you are serving as a caregiver to a loved one, I want you to know you are fulfilling a valuable role! I also want you to know, that it is ok to take care of yourself too. We can help with that!

Tara Solomon-Smith, Adult Development and Aging Agent

December 28,2020

It’s the most wonderful time of the year…for scammers! Article Audio
What a year full of change, uncertainty and stress… The 2020 holiday season is here and time is moving faster than ever. On top of shopping, cooking and party planning, this year we are also trying to keep our families safe. It’s all a bit overwhelming, but it is vital, especially now, to stay observant and protect yourself from scammers.

Julie Smith, Family Resource Management and Entrepreneurship Agent

December 10,2020

Emotional Wellness and Anxiety Article Audio

Emotional wellness is just as important as your physical wellness. One aspect is anxiety. While anxiety doesn’t typically feel very good, it is a very common, human and normal reaction to stress.

Tara Solomon-Smith, Adult Development and Aging Agent

November 23,2020

Holiday Cooking: The Potlucks Are Coming Article Audio

The holidays are here and special dinners are on the horizon. From family gatherings to office celebrations, tis the season for the always engaging potluck dinner. You might have a standard dish your friends and family count on you to bring or you may find yourself wanting to try a new recipe this holiday season. Either way, don’t let “extra” holiday cooking break your budget.

Julie Smith, Family Resource Management and Entrepreneurship Agent

November 12,2020

Simple Home Modifications Article Audio
Did you know the average cost of care in Assisted Living or full time in home care cost is over $4,500.00 per month? Maybe you are like me and live in an older home. It is never too early to start thinking about simple home modifications as it is one of the easiest ways to improve our ability to live in a lifelong home!

Tara Solomon-Smith, Adult Development and Aging Agent

October 28,2020

Make A Difference Day: Saturday Oct. 24th Article Audio
In a year full of quarantine, sickness, and financial difficulty, I cannot think of a better time to celebrate Make a Difference Day. This event was originally started in 1992 by a national newspaper and has evolved into an unofficial observance that emphasizes community services and volunteerism. It is held the fourth Saturday in October which, this year, falls on Oct. 24th.

Julie Smith, Family Resource Management and Entrepreneurship Agent

October 16,2020

Medicare Prescription Drug Costs Hard to Swallow? Article Audio
Did you know that you can review and change your Medicare Prescription Drug Plan annually? Medicare Open Enrollment, running from October 15th-December 7th, is the period of time that you can do just that!

Tara Solomon-Smith, Adult Development and Aging Agent

October 3,2020

Just Do It: for Building an Emergency Savings Plan Article Audio
An emergency savings fund is essential to avoiding unplanned debt and a downward financial spiral. For many Americans, however, it is difficult to stay afloat financially from one payday to the next. Research shows that twenty-eight percent of Americans do not have an emergency savings fund.

Julie Smith, Family Resource Management and Entrepreneurship Agent

September 17,2020

Planning for Life: Advance Directives Article Audio
One thing we can count on is life changing all the time. In this season of uncertainty and new information/guidelines, this may be the push many of us need to ensure our end of life wishes are met. This is never a fun topic to talk about, however, providing some clarity for your family can be a great gift to them when an illness or injury does occur.

Tara Solomon-Smith, Adult Development and Aging Agent

August 31,2020

Christmas Spending: Planning Ahead Matters Article Audio
As of September 1st, there are sixteen weekends until Christmas. Sixteen Saturdays to do all of your holiday shopping, gift wrapping, baking and more. While it might seem fairly distant, it won’t be long before our communities are adorned with holiday cheer and Christmas carols fill the airwaves. Your checkbook may still be recovering from back to school shopping, but it’s not too early to start planning for Christmas.

Julie Smith, Family Resource Management and Entrepreneurship Agent

August 18,2020

Keep Your Mind Active To Better Handle Stress Article Audio

Keeping your mind active and engaged can actually help us handle stress better! This is the case for people of all ages, but becomes more important for older adults.

Tara Solomon-Smith, Adult Development and Aging Agent

August 6,2020


Back To School Article Audio

COVID-19 has caused uncertainty in our lives now for months and it continues with back to school shopping season. What will school look like this fall? What should we buy and when should we buy?

Julie Smith, Family Resource Management and Entrepreneurship Agent

Alzheimer’s 101 Article Audio

I would like you to take a moment and think of all the people you know (or have heard about) with Alzheimer’s disease. Most of us can name at least one, if not many more. Sadly, more than five million Americans are currently living with Alzheimer’s, and that number is expected to rise as high as 16 million by the year 2050.

Tara Solomon-Smith, Adult Development and Aging Agent


Counting Change - The Old Fashioned Way Article Audio

I often hear from my peers that “kids these days” do not put emphasis on learning valuable life skills such as balancing a checkbook, living within a budget, or even counting back change. As I self-evaluate my own efforts to teach my teenage daughter these skills, I’m reminded that there is much room for improvement.

Julie Smith, Family Resource Management and Entrepreneurship Agent


Tools to Thrive Article Audio
Stress can take a toll on the body’s physical and mental well-being with potentially disastrous results. Our friends in the agricultural community may be feeling it especially high right now. Just as farms and businesses need to be operated in a sustainable way that preserves resources for the long term, an individual’s life needs to be managed in a sustainable way for long-term well-being.

Tara Solomon-Smith, Adult Development and Aging Agent


Check Your Credit – Free Reports Weekly Article Audio
Did you know that checking your credit history can help you better understand your credit position? By consistently monitoring your credit, you may be able to detect any inaccurate or incomplete information that will affect your ability to shop using credit.

Julie Smith, Family Resource Management and Entrepreneurship Agent

Make Your Mark with Older Americans Month Article Audio

Around the nation, older adults make their marks every day as volunteers, employees, employers, parents, grandparents, mentors, and advocates. They offer their time, talents, and experience to the benefit of our communities.

Tara Solomon-Smith, Adult Development and Aging Agent

Income Drop? Take Stock and Set Priorities Article Audio

The COVID-19 situation has affected many families in our district financially. From layoffs and closures to limited schedules, farm markets and more. Financial strain is a real issue for our friends and neighbors as they struggle to pay their bills and feed their families.

Julie Smith, Family Resource Management and Entrepreneurship Agent

Childcare Solutions during Quarantine Article Audio

I know I am not alone in juggling a few kids, work, and pets while all together at home. The thought that I am not the only one experiencing these adjustments is encouraging! Thanks to a team of colleagues from K-State Research and Extension, a new program is being launched to assist older children in helping to care for siblings and additional resources for all families.

Tara Solomon-Smith, Adult Development and Aging Agent

Secrets to Success: It's Time to Think Differently Article Audio

This world is always evolving. Technology, healthcare, education – you name it. The world looks much different than it looked 100 or even 50 years ago. Our nation has, for years, been adapting to change. Today, however, we find ourselves in chaos and crisis as we are forced to change virtually everything about our everyday lives in just a few short days.

Julie Smith, Family Resource Management and Entrepreneurship Agent

Working Remotely Amid Multiple Life Shifts Article Audio

Most of us have experienced several life shifts within just a few short days! I set up my current remote office late yesterday afternoon. When I say ‘set up’, I mean dusted off the desk that is in the corner of our living room!

Tara Solomon-Smith, Adult Development and Aging Agent

Random Acts of Kindness Article Audio

My sisters and I have had a few road trips over the years and we have another one coming up next month. This has me reminiscing about past trips where we decided to do small random acts of kindness. On these adventures, we would pay the toll for the car behind us and a meal for someone in the restaurant we stopped at.

Tara Solomon-Smith, Adult Development and Aging Agent

Staying Independent- My Mobility Plan Article Audio

Many people make financial plans for retirement, but not everyone plans for the mobility changes that may come with age. One in four Americans now 65 years old will live into their 90s. It makes good sense to plan for what’s ahead!

Tara Solomon-Smith, Adult Development and Aging Agent

Slouching…. So Wrong, But It Feels So Right Article Audio

Fifty percent of people in the industrialized world suffer from some form of back pain and many are related to poor seat design and posture.

Tara Solomon-Smith, Adult Development and Aging Agent

January is Radon Action Month Article Audio

Because of its odorless, tasteless and colorless ways, radon can be a silent killer and unfortunately, it’s fairly prevalent in Kansas soils. The radioactive gas that occurs naturally in some soils is the No. 1 cause of lung cancer in non-smokers. It claims the lives of about 21,000 Americans every year, according to the EPA. But there are ways to test for it and mitigate it.

Tara Solomon-Smith, Adult Development and Aging Agent

Make a Map for Your Wellness this Season Article Audio

The end of another year and the beginning of the new often goes by in a blur because of all we have to do in this season. I am the queen of to-lists and get quite a bit of satisfaction out of crossing items off. This can help in busy times, however, I heard some insights from K-State Research and Extension’s Behavioral Health Specialist, Brad Dirks, which reminded me to add self-care to the routine.

Tara Solomon-Smith, Adult Development and Aging Agent

Caregiving and the Holiday Season Article Audio

As the U.S. population ages, more older adults are likely to be diagnosed with a cognitive impairment. Holidays are stressful for everyone and spending holiday time with someone who experiences memory issues may pose concerns.

Emotional Wellness and Anxiety Article Audio

Emotional wellness is just as important as your physical wellness. One aspect is anxiety. While anxiety doesn’t typically feel very good, it is a very common, human and normal reaction to stress.

The Power of Sleep Article Audio

I spent a very restless night this week and thought I probably wasn’t the only one. We all have trouble sleeping from time to time, but when insomnia persists day after day, it can become a real problem. Beyond making one tired and moody, a lack of sleep can have serious effects on our health, increasing our propensity for obesity, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes.

New Scam Targeting Seniors Article Audio

Everyone is vulnerable to scams in one way or another. Hopefully you have heard about the newest and largest healthcare fraud schemes in US history targeting Medicare beneficiaries. I am speaking of the genetic testing scheme where individuals were recently charged for collecting and selling patient information and corruptly prescribing these tests. So why seniors?

National Suicide Prevention Month: Something to Talk About Article Audio
What seems to transcend age, gender, socio-economic, and educational levels? Suicide, and there is no other time but now to talk about it!

Don't Forget About Medicare Part D Open Enrollment Article Audio
Fall is quickly approaching and I am looking forward to all that comes with it! Including Medicare Part D (prescription drug plan) Open Enrollment. This is your opportunity to make sure you are getting the most out of your prescription drug plan. Here are some common questions to help you understand your options.

Some Traveling Tips for Your Sanity Article Audio
I see several friends heading on vacation during this time right before schools starts. I am a bit sad we took ours earlier in the summer! The last two years, my family and I have been able to travel with our extended family to new destinations. These trips hold great memories of cousins playing and adults visiting around games!

Decisions About Your Doctor Article Audio
We will all need to see a doctor at some point, most likely more than once in a year, no matter how healthy you are. Your primary care doctor is your first point of contact and often the ‘team leader’ in times of illness. I know it can be challenging in a rural area and with many community changes.

Stay Cool with these tips to Lower Cooling Cost Article
As summer starts to heat up and temperatures rise, many of us are cranking up the air conditioners to stay cool. It should come as no surprise then that air conditioners use about five percent of all the electricity produced in the U.S., costing homeowners more than $29 billion a year in energy costs.


Top 10 Facts about Mold Article
Molds are part of the natural environment, and can be found everywhere, indoors and outdoors. Mold is not usually a problem, unless it begins growing indoors. The best way to control mold growth is to control moisture. Molds can have a big impact on indoor air quality. Read on to learn the top 10 things you should know about mold.

Mold chart

Money Matters Newsletter
In this quarterly edition you can find tips for a Better Boxed Meal Article

Budgeting for Vacation Article
Summer brings visions of vacationing for some. However, our finances might be throwing a kink into those thoughts. Sometimes, we just don’t know where to start to either plan or save for a vacation.



How to Build Credit Article
The most important way to build good credit is to consistently pay bills on time. One late payment can decrease a person’s score by 40 points. A good rule to follow is to keep balances low (less than half of the total credit line), pay off debt rather than move it between cards, limit the number of credit accounts, and build savings.


Keep Kids Safe this Summer Article
Summertime is quickly approaching. Many kids will enjoy both indoor and outdoor activities and keeping them safe and healthy is the number one priority of summer fun. There are five key areas to touch on, water safety, beat the heat, keep the bugs away, prevent injuries and stop the violence.

Prepare Yourself for Severe Weather Article
Would you be prepared to take action if your property was hit by a tornado, overcome by a flood or destroyed by a fire? Many people have installed smoke detectors, fire alarms, and dead bolt locks in their homes and stocked extra food in the pantry but there is more to preparing. To be prepared, you should also have a household inventory, check your insurance coverage, and prepare a grab-and-go box. Read on to learn more.



Smart Uses for Your Tax Refund Article
Get the most out of your tax refund by developing a plan. Make a commitment to enjoy part of the money. Be smart, and use the rest for practical purposes.

If you are just getting ready to do your taxes and are looking for a smart way to use your refund, check out this video.




Saving ,Spending Tips Help Young Adults Manage Money Article
With many costs rising, teens and young adults find it more difficult to cover the cost of dinner and a movie. Check out this video for tips on money management....



America Saves Week- Join Now and Save Article
Many Americans are one unplanned expense away from wishing they had a savings account. A savings account should hold three to six months of income to help feel secure when an unexpected financial cost arises.



Making the Most of Your Tax Return Article
Palms get itchy this time of year with folks anticipating their tax refund. All too quickly the refund is here and gone again, spent as quickly as it came. It is important to remember that a tax refund is not "free money," rather it is the return of earned income.



January is National Radon Action Month Article
“One in four homes in Kansas will test at or above the EPA’s radon action level,” said Bruce Snead, director of the Kansas Radon Program at Kansas State University. He referred to the Environmental Protection Agency’s radon action level of 4.0 picocuries of radon per liter of indoor air.



Tips for a Strong Financial New Year Text
The holidays give you the chance to spend time with loved ones and friends, catch up on your favorite TV shows and make resolutions for the New Year. While it can be overwhelming thinking about what you’ll do differently next year, focusing on your financial future is a great place to start. For a strong financial new year try these six tips:



Keep Hackers from Ruining your Holidays Text
Kansans will soon take to the Internet for a variety of cheerful holiday reasons. The increase in cyber traffic means, however, that home computer networks and smart devices will be more vulnerable to malicious scamming and hacking by persons’ intent on dampening your holiday spirit.




Shop Online Safely Text
As you scroll online another ad pops up, peaks your interest and before you know it you are buying online, again! Once a shopper sees how easily it is to purchase online they tend to be hooked! It is convenient, quick and you don’t have to fight the crowds!



Money Matters Wildcat Extension District- Keeping Holiday Debt Under Control



Beat the Holiday Financial Blues Article
It is hard to look forward to a holiday, if you are worrying about how to pay for it. Have you stressed about how to provide a fun experience for children without breaking the bank?



Money Matters Wildcat Extension District -Financial Tips You Can Use



Prepare Kansas, Are You Ready? Article

Sometimes, life in the heartland is not for the faint of heart. At least that’s the way it seems when homes and communities experience tornadoes, flooding, drought and other disasters like Kansas communities can.



Back to School- Off to a Smooth Start Article

Summer is winding down and it’s time to think about school again. Listen to these four tips to make it a great start to a successful school year.



Stay Cool with these tips to Lower Cooling Cost Article
As summer starts to heat up and temperatures rise, many of us are cranking up the air conditioners to stay cool.



Save Money When Money is Tight Article
The idea of saving money can be an intimidating concept for some. Having money saved and available can provide security in the event of an emergency and even reduce stress in everyday life. However, studies have shown that one out of three Americans do not have sufficient savings to cover unexpected expenses.



Planning an Inexpensive Vacation Article
A family vacation is an annual tradition for many families but for those on a tight budget, it may be an unnecessary expense. Like any big purchase, a vacation requires planning.



Are You Prepared? Article
Tornado season is here and can strike at any time. Are you prepared? To be prepared, you should have a household inventory, check your insurance coverage and prepare a grab and go box.



Tips Help Young Adults Manage Money Article
With many costs rising, older teens and young adults who learn and practice money management and saving strategies now rather than later in life may be better able to meet their future financial needs.



Cut the Clutter and get Organized! Article
American consumers have a desire for purchasing a great deal of “stuff,” which has led to clutter-filled homes. In addition, families have less time to keep everything organized.

What to keep? What to throw out? Article
One of life’s most important lessons is distinguishing what is trivial from what is not. While we’re tempted to lump our personal documents among life’s petty details, their significance can be major.


How Will You Make Your Tax Refund Work For You? Article
Tax season is here. How are you planning to use your tax return? Using your tax refund to pay off a bill is a great financial decision to start off your new year.

Paying Off Holiday Debt Article

The joy of the holiday season is now behind us. Soon, coming to your mailbox will be the bills for all of the gifts, food and traveling expenses that built up over the last few months. Do you have a pay-off plan?


Radon Article

You can’t see, smell, or taste radon, but it could be present at a dangerous level in your home. Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer deaths among nonsmokers in America and claims the lives of about 20,000 Americans each year. In fact, the EPA and the U.S. Surgeon General urge all Americans to protect their health by testing their homes, schools, and other buildings for radon. Click the link for further information.